Brass Mounting Spacer
6600-1186-400 | |
Maternal Infant Care | |
Giraffe OmniBed | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The Brass Mounting Spacer is a specially designed component used in
- Giraffe™ OmniBed™ Carestation™ and other systems for demanding applications. The part is made of high quality Bayblend® FR3010 HF material that has high tensile strength, good flame retardance and good impact resistance which offers reliable operation, efficient functioning and longer life span and makes the product well suited for many modern medical applications. The material also maintains excellent toughness. The color Munsell N9 gives an attractive finish and appearance with their properties. The assembly is RoHS compliant and approved to safety standards. The part also offers easy handling to mount or fix. The part is diligently designed for excellent performance and reliability. The GE product is an innovation and technology which fits well into versatile customer needs. The product is securely packaged inside a high quality packing box to avoid physical damage during transit.