Hole Plug Cap Inner Rail
6600-1150-400 | |
Maternal Infant Care | |
Giraffe OmniBed | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The Hole Plug Cap Inner Rail are economical and easy to install (or remove when necessary) to close chassis holes, wiring outlets, and production access holes. They can also be used as tube end caps, protective bumpers, drawer glides, or small appliance feet. Designed with flexible tapered prongs that install snugly in place with finger pressure in sheet metal, tubing, or other types of panels. These hole plugs are available in a variety of styles, sizes, and finishes including metal or abrasion and vibration resistant molded Nylon 6/6. Hole plugs are used to finish off a hole after the assembly is completely built. They are used to fill a service entrance or to fill unused holes in sheet metal. The GE product is an innovation which fits well into versatile customer needs. The part is diligently designed for superior performance and reliability. It is securely packed inside a high quality packing box to avoid physical damage during transit and labeled with details about the product, Quality Assurance (QA) seal and shipment details.