Side Roller Dowel Pin
6600-1098-400 | |
Maternal Infant Care | |
Giraffe OmniBed | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
Dowel pins are small, cylindricals rod generally made up of metal, wood or plastic. They are commonly used to keep parts in a fixed position, maintain alignment between different parts or to join different components together. Most dowels are known as straight dowels. A dowel may have diameter tolerances of ± .010 inches compared to the dowel pin's size, which ensures that the dowel mates in either a loose-fit or press-fit fashion with its corresponding hole. This parallel Dowel Pin is 4.763 mm in diameter and 19.05 mm long and is made up of AISI 416 Stainless Steel which gives it good corrosion and chemical resistance and high tensile strength. This parallel Dowel Pin assembly is used with Side Roller assemblies of GE's Maternal-Infant Care systems.