Helios QA Phantom
5215028 | |
2144715 2206352 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Lightspeed 16 | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The Helios QA Phantom is manufactured using high precision techniques which helps to achieve a very good surface finish as well as good product consistency. The high dimensional accuracy ensures a perfect fit of the Phantom in the required assembly. The acrylic material helps to make the Phantom light in weight without compromising on the integral strength of the component. The acrylic material has good mechanical properties like high tensile strength, impact and wear resistance which ensures a long-life span for the component. The bonded surfaces are exactly matched line to line with no excess adhesive beyond the bonding line. The Phantom is subjected to leak tests which ensures it is free of any leakage. The adhesive used for the Phantom is especially designed for the acrylic material and has excellent bonding properties. The Phantom is free from any burrs and sharp edges which enhances the safety aspect of the component. The adhesive used in the Phantom is RoHS compliant. The Phantom can be filled with a variety of solution which include bleach, degassed and distilled or deionized water.
Equivalent Part
Below is more information on the equivalent parts. Parts without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.
Equivalent part | Part Details |
2144715 | GE Part |
2206352 |