Filter - 25 PPI
5128180 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Brightspeed Edge | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The 25 PPI Filter is used to prevent the dust from entering the system or machine. It is made up of material known as Quadrafoam, which offers low pressure drop, good fire resistance, and the ability to capture large amounts of airborne dust in industrial enclosure applications. Quadrafoam is ideal for use in equipment where permanent, cleanable filters are most appropriate. Quadrafoam air filters offer a broad range of porosities or Pores per Inch (PPI) to meet custom filtration performance requirements. The open cell structure and porosity of reticulated foam allow liquids and gases to pass through while still catching larger particles and contaminants, making it ideal for use as a filter material. The Quadrafoam 25 PPI filter is used in CT LightSpeed 7.X VCT 64-Slice, NM Ventri, CT LightSpeed 7.X VCT 64-Slice and PET Discovery ST 4-Slice machines, among others.