Switch 48V
2223592 | |
Interventional Image Guided Systems | |
Discovery IGS 620 | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
This electrical switch is also known as snap action security pushbutton switch. It’s an electric switch that requires little force through the flat actuator for actuation. The switch is a momentry (NO) type switch and a current capacity of 200 mA at 48VDC. This switch can be used in demanding applications due to its durability, reliablity, long service life and compact design. This switch comes with 2 connection terminals and a threaded body, so the switch can easily be mounted on the panel. Use of high quality components in the switch allows it to work reliably for 100,000 cycles at 100 mA 48 VDC. This Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switch is a part of table panning assembly and is compatible for use with GE's Innova 2100-IQ, Innova 3100-IQ, Innova 4100-IQ, CL320, CL323i, Optima IGS 330, Optima IGS 320, IGS 620 and IGS 630 Interventional Image Guided Systems.