Helios Chassis to Chassis Cable 2193036
2193036 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Other Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
This 350mm long flat ribbon cable assembly is made using 68 conductors of 38 AWG size with 2 identical male D-Sub Micro-D connectors at both ends. The entire gray cable assembly and connectors are shielded to minimize EMI/RFI interference. In addition, using Gold Plated contacts with Tinned Copper Solid conductors assures good conductivity and efficient functioning. This Helios Chassis To Chassis Ribbon type cable assembly is used to connect the left and right chassis assembly of the Scaleable Data Acquisition System (SDAS) and is used with GE's Lightspeed Computed Tomography (CT) systems.